Friday, May 13, 2011

Yellow Car

There's a new game spreading around Falls town and I thought I'd share......

Name: Yellow Car

Game Play:  When you see a yellow car, you slug the person nearest you and say "yellow car" (much like good old slug bug).

Side note:  In order to get credit for a yellow car, the person you slug must either be able to SEE it, or you must have the picture to prove it!

Things that make this game fun:

School busses,
calling yellow car because you saw one on T.V.
Taking pictures of yellow cars on your phone and sending them to people

Help spread the fun!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Things Reese is scared of:

The Microwave

Honey (the dog, not the food)

The 'dog' in the fireplace....a.k.a. his reflection

The vacuum cleaner

Dogs barking on the TV

Water hoses

New ringtones on cell phones

Laundry baskets

The swiffer mop

I'm sure there's more, but this is all we've discovered so far....

Do people in the service industry take advantage of women?