Saturday, July 7, 2012


In January I had my first experience directing music at Wichita Theatre.  I guess I did a decent job because they asked me to come back for the big summer show.  Auditions started for Footloose in May and we spent the last two months working really hard.

The show opened last night and it was FANTASTIC!  I'm so proud of the cast.  It will continue to run every weekend in July so if you live in Wichita Falls, or know how to drive here I highly recommend you come!  Here are a couple of pictures of the show. 

Monday, July 2, 2012


Ranger was about 16 months old when I inherited him from a friend who couldn't keep him.  I was a little shocked that I agreed to take him at first but it was a great decision.  He and Reese are best buds!  He's still got a little puppy in him and he's very accident prone but I wouldn't live without him now!

Interesting facts about Ranger:
1.  He's TERRIFIED of thunder (hence the picture in the bathtub).
2.  He can't seem to remember to duck his head 3 inches to go out the doggy door and has an almost constant bump on his head.
3.  His favorite thing to do is bring in sticks, grass, tree limbs etc and shred them in the floor.....sigh.
4.  His name was Ranger BEFORE he became my dog.  It was meant to be.

The day he came to live with us.

Yes he's on the couch.  I'm a sucker.

Best Friends!

It was thundering when I took this picture.  During a storm he is either in the bathtub or my bed.

What a pathetic excuse for a blogger I have been!

So, I have recently been thinking "hey, my friends with blogs have quit blogging'.  Then I realized I can't really complain since I too quit.  So, this is me un-quitting.  I can't believe that I haven't posted since October.  I could blame it on the new job, the new house, the new everything else but I'm not really sure there's a why.  I do know that I miss being able to look back and see what was important to me last week, last month or last year.  So, here's the very brief version of the last nine months:

October:  Second trip to the World Series!  This time I cheered my Rangers on with Mom, Dale and Toby.  We won the game I attended.  Pictures will follow....probably.

November: My great friend Lacy got married to a goofball named Mark.  I had the honor of taking the pictures at their wedding. 

December:  Aiden's first birthday and Carson's first Christmas. Trust me there are many pictures!

January:  I directed the music for a production of The Music Man at Wichita Theatre.  I have never done this before but had a blast!  It was a crazy busy month but worth all the crazy!

February: TMEA!  I'll save the details but it included the yearly time with old friends and driving home in an unexpected ice storm!  The week after TMEA I sliced open my thumb and broke my toe in two separate incidents.  Not fun at all.  The most fun part of February was the adoption (because I'm a sucker) of a sweet yellow lab named Ranger.  He'll get his own post later. 

March: must have been pretty boring.  Can't find a single cell phone picture that reminds me of it.  Thirty-first birthday was definitely less uneventful than 30!

April:  First Ranger game of the year!  You're shocked, I know.    The highlight of April was going with the sister to meet The Pioneer Woman.  If you don't know what in the world I'm talking about you need to look her up!  It was a dream come true for Anna and the beginning of an obsession for me. 

May:  The end of my first year teaching at Crockett.  I love my job more each day.  This school year flew by!

June:  I've been involved in my 2nd musical at Wichita Theatre.  This time it's Footloose.  It has been a blast and has taken up much of my time!  Of course, since it's summer I've managed to squeeze in plenty of Aiden time when his babysitter is on vacation.'re caught up!  Of course now that I've looked back I can't believe I didn't post about some of these things while they were happening!   That of course means that you'll probably see more catching up pictures than you want in the next couple of posts.....which will probably come this afternoon.

Later, gator!

Do people in the service industry take advantage of women?