I mentioned in an earlier post that I have a new job. I am the new music teacher at Crockett Elementary, and I LOVE it! Here's my schedule:
7:30 Cafeteria Duty (ok, not the highlight of my day)
8:15 5th grade
9:00 6th grade
9:45 2nd grade
10:30 1st grade
11:30 more cafeteria duty...
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Conference
1:15 Kindergarten
2:00 4th grade
2:45 3rd grade
The upside of having cafeteria duty is that I can leave when the kids do....not that I've managed to do that yet.
As you can see, it's a packed day, but I'm loving every minute. The planning is taking quite a bit longer than I'm used to, but it's worth it. Kids have started asking, "Do I get to have music today?", and that makes my heart so happy!
I know that every job has it's challenges, but I'm prepared to take those in stride. I'm exhausted at the end of the day, but it's a great feeling to get to teach kids to love music like I do every day!