Sunday, February 27, 2011


I'm not completely a "girly girl" but I do like a good pedicure.  So when the roommates, Ali and Kari decided to go for pedicures today I was all in!

Here's just a few of the texts that went back and forth during the pedicure:

*Your lady is the mean one who did my eyebrows the other day.

*Mean eyebrow lady keeps pointing.

*I'm pretty sure she just burned my toe with the electric filer thing.

*She just asked me if I wanted my eyebrows done....ha!

*My lady is mean.

*Kick her!

*My water is really cold but I don't want to be "that girl"!

*Mine was burning hot but the lady pointed so I put my feet in...

*Doesn't it always feel like they are talking about you?

*If I can't walk when she's done will you carry me out of here?

.....Needless to say, I probably won't be frequenting this particular establishment again any time soon! least it was time spent with good friends!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Like a Good Neighbor (a.k.a......sometimes it pays to watch commercials)

Friday evening in a nutshell:

* Dinner at Cheddars with Andrea and Lacy

* Lacy gets flat tire and parks in the State Farm parking lot

*Andrea teaches Lacy how to change a flat tire

*As Andrea tightens up the last lug nut local insurance agent Darrel Walker pulls into the parking lot

*Mr. Walker informs us that if we had State Farm they would have paid to fix the flat

*Andrea informs Mr. Walker that she wouldn't get to be the hero if we called the insurance company

*Andrea sings the State Farm jingle

*Mr. Walker says "It pays to know the jingle"

* Mr. Walker dishes out $35 to the three of us and says "State Farm is still going to pay for this flat tire"

* Nice conversation with Mr. Walker about insurance, church and music

*All three of us sing the jingle one more time just for kicks (and because the State Farm man had just given us money)

*Everyone gets back in their respective vehicles and proceed with the night as planned

Conclusion: Neighbor or not, State Farm really IS there......

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

TMEA Bound

Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) hosts a conference every year in San Antonio during the second week in February.  For many of us it is the thread that holds us together between Christmas concert season and UIL! This year's convention starts this coming Thursday. 

Just in case you have been living in a shell for the last week, I'm here to tell you that north Texas has been seeing some pretty crazy weather lately.  FOUR snow days last week, and projected snow for tonight and tomorrow.  SOOO.....I'm getting the heck out of dodge!  None of this waiting around 'to see if it snows business' for me!  By the time the snow is supposed to hit I'll be warm and snuggly in a hotel somewhere south of the Dallas metroplex! 

TMEA really is a great time of learning but for me the highlight is seeing all my friends from days gone by (you know who you are)!  There's no way I'm going to let a little winter storm spoil the fun! 

Just in case you're bored while I'm in sunny San Antonio, here's a link to the TMEA website.

See you all in a few days...enjoy the snow while I'm gone!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow DayS

Day 1: February 1, 2011

"It really DID snow!"
"Fun!  What do you want to do today?"
"Southern Maid is open...let's get some donuts."
"Look...snow plows."
"How cute, Zeke has a snow beard"
"It's so fun to watch Tucker and Reese play in the snow"
"Let's make stew!"

Day 2: February 2, 2011
"Look, none of it melted."
"Do you think we should go to the store 'just in case'?"
"We watched everything on the DVR yesterday...hmm..."
"Tucker and Reese still like it...that's cute."
"I'm afraid to shower...what if the rolling blackouts hit in the middle of the shower."
"I wonder if I'll even be able to get my car out if I have to go to school tomorrow"
"I bet we just have a late start..."
"I'm getting a little tired of being in the house."

Day 3: February 3, 2011
"I don't like snow anymore."
"Andrea...will you please get your big car out and take me somewhere...anywhere!"
"The big trip out: Taco Bueno, the vet and the UPS dropbox...woohoo!"
" school tomorrow?"
"What do you mean there's a chance of snow tomorrow?!"
"...and Monday!?"
"What in the world am I going to do tomorrow?"

Day 4: February 4, 2011
"Bye Andrea...have a good day at work....while I'm here all alone."
"There's nothing left to do..."
"I guess I can do laundry and clean house..."

Will there be a day 5?  I sure hope not!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowy Suppositions

* When you have to use pizza pans, music stands and dust pans to shovel snow two years in a row it's probably time to buy a snow shovel.

* No matter how bad the roads are, Southern Maid donuts will be open. (yum, yum)

* From Andrea: Sometimes it pays off to be "non-essential personnel".

* I didn't come up with the word 'suppositions' on my own (thanks Andrea).

* Unlike last year, snow plows were actually seen in Wichita Falls within 12 hours of the snow!

* Reese doesn't understand the concept of sleeping in on snow days.

* Even though he made me get up at 6:00 it was fun to watch Reese's first experience with snow. (videos to follow)

Do people in the service industry take advantage of women?